How to Design a Stunning Lounge 

Families spend a great deal of time in the lounge so there are some high expectations with ensuring that the room accommodates all the varied activities that take place there on a daily basis. It is important to avoid cluttering and to allow free movement from one area to another. These requirements need not mean an absence of taste and beauty; comfort is also necessary. We take a look at how you can make the most of your living room area. 

Getting the Layout Right

Deciding on the layout of your lounge involves taking a look at the activities that typically take place there and considering those you want to encourage, such as greater engagement. The layout will depend heavily on the size of your lounge. A tiny room is more difficult to furnish attractively, and you also need to avoid clutter and support everyone’s preferences.

It is common practice to centre a lounge suite for optimal television viewing. However, you can encourage more conversation and interaction by moving away from this convention. This is achieved by setting the TV up in a corner of the room with a single three-seater sofa for those who do want to watch telly. You can make a reading corner too, which is perfect for those who want to be close to the family but get lost in a good book.  

If your lounge is large enough, you can devote areas of the space for different uses. For example, you can include a corner table and chairs for doing homework. This allows you to supervise students or assist them while also being able to do what you enjoy. For smaller children, a play zone is needed.

Have a Plan

Rather than cramming a lot of furniture into the lounge, you should start off with a plan. This involves a sketch of the area and taking measurements of its dimensions. Cut-outs of furniture can help you to try out alternative arrangements. This is far less tiring than moving the furniture around several times until you settle on a place for everything, which, more often than not, turns out to be haphazard. You can also use software on your desktop to try out different placements.

Avoiding clutter will make the room more aesthetically pleasing and suitable for receiving visitors. Shelving can be the solution as it uses the wall space, leaving the floor area available for solid pieces. Teach children to tidy up after playing or doing their homework. 

Deciding on Furniture and Other Décor Items

You may have to replace furniture to maximise the potential of a lounge area. Less bulky sofas and several smaller tables instead of one large one can ensure that everyone has a place to set a cup of tea down next to them, keep a book they are reading, their knitting, or whatever else their interests are.

Carefully chosen colours and textures can enliven a room and be used to demarcate zones for different activities. If you are not sure of how to go about decorating and designing your lounge, it can be well worth it to hire a company such as ligne roset chelsea – interior design to listen to your ideas and determine how to bring them to fruition. After all, with so much time spent in the lounge by all family members, it pays to get it right so that you can simply sit back and enjoy.

Family togetherness is one of the most cherished values and worth nurturing. 

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