Avoid these Typical Wedding Mistakes

You don’t want to make the same errors other brides have because even the most cautious bride can be led astray. Here are some frequent planning errors that brides make that you must avoid according to our bridal boutique Singapore.

You dismiss entirely needing a wedding planner.

A week before the important day is the most stressful time to plan. When that happens, a ton of unforeseen details pop up, forcing some brides to spend more time organizing spreadsheets than interacting with friends and relatives.

Hire a day- or even a week-of planner to avoid this. They will take care of last-minute preparations and handle potential accidents. Some planners even provide hourly services if money is an issue.

You’re too careful with social media.

You can probably count on your guests to comply if you ask them to hold off on snapping photos or posting anything online until after your ceremony. But they won’t take it gladly if you set directions on when or how to do it.

You crash diet

No bride should believe that she needs to transform before her wedding. Instead of aggressively cutting calories or quitting entire food groups a month before your wedding date, ease into it if you do want to develop healthier habits. A well-balanced food plan or exercise routine might be adopted six months before the big event. Concentrate on developing self-assurance, stress-relieving techniques, and positive practices that will last far beyond your walk down the aisle.

You set a long time between the reception and the ceremony.

If your ceremony and reception are at different locations, try to keep the gap between them as short as possible to avoid giving your guests nothing to do. If a lengthy wait is unavoidable, provide them with the opportunity to pass the time by organizing a trip or putting up a hospitality lounge with refreshments at the hotel where they will be staying.

You skimp on wedding party presents.

It’s essential to show your appreciation for your guests with a valuable gift. Discuss with your fiance the financial demands you have made on your wedding party. Many people spend more than $1,000 on travel, clothing, and lodging. While it’s not needed, your gift should express your heartfelt appreciation for the time, money, and effort that they have invested in your wedding. Generally speaking, a sum between $75 and $150 will do.

You don’t prioritize yourself.

Do you envisage a formal evening event or a more laid-back midday celebration? Make a priority list. What do you consider to be most important? Do you prefer music, or are you a foodie? Are you satisfied with your wedding gown Singapore? Pre-planning can help make sure you choose the right location and stay within the budget.

You prematurely announce your engagement.

Prior to posting your status on social media, remember to communicate the great news with your closest friends and family. Inform your family and close friends first, preferably in person, but if they are far away, call or use Skype (so they can see the ring!). Change your social media status after that. Be sure to post a little thank you to the well-wishers after the flood of congrats.

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