Help! I Lost My Keys — Now What?

Are you having trouble finding your house keys?

The average person misplaces five items a day. Losing your keys can be incredibly overwhelming. Whether they’re your door or car keys, it means you can’t get inside your home or start your car.

If you have an “I lost my keys” moment, you don’t have to panic. There are a few things you can do to recover your missing key.

Read on to find out more.

Call a Locksmith

If you have lost your keys and don’t know what to do, one option is to call a locksmith. A locksmith can come to your place or business and make a new house or car keys. This is usually a cheaper and faster option than going to a hardware store or a dealership.

For cars, they will need the make and model of your car in order to do this, so have that information ready. If you don’t have a spare key, this locksmith can also try to pick the lock to get you back into your car. This can be a more costly route, but it’s still an option if you’re in a bind.

Search the Place

If you have lost your keys, what you should do is search for the place where you think you may have lost them. This means checking all the obvious places like your pockets, purse, and car. This may be difficult if you do not know where you lost them, but it is important to try to retrace your steps.

If you can’t find them, the next best thing to do is to buy a new key set. This will ensure that you can rekey the locks in case you lose them again.

Invest in a Key Tracker

A key tracker is a small, Bluetooth-enabled device that attaches to your key chain. If you lose your keys, you can use the tracker’s app to locate them. The app will show you the tracker’s last known location, so you can retrace your steps and find your keys.

A key tracker is a great investment if you’re constantly misplacing your keys.

Make a Prevention Plan

If you have a prevention plan in place, it will make this situation a lot less stressful. It is ideal to always have a spare key. That way, you can get into your house or car if you lose your primary key.

Create a lost key plan. Keep a list of important numbers in a safe place so you can call a locksmith or a tow truck if necessary.

Don’t Shout “I Lost My Keys” and Don’t Panic

If you ever say again that “I lost my keys,” the first thing you should do is check all the places where you usually keep them. If you can’t find them, the next step is to retrace them with your key tracker. If you still can’t find them, you can buy a new one or call a locksmith technician.

So, be mindful of your keys.

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