5 Ways to Find 420 Friends Wherever You Go

Want to know how to find stoner friends?

Weed can be a very social activity, and a great way to make new connections with a shared interest. But if you don’t know where to start, it can be tough to find like-minded people to smoke with.

Here are a few tips for finding stoner friends wherever you go.

1. Cannabis-Friendly Events

In any large community, you’ll find events catering to all kinds of interests — and cannabis is no exception.

There are often meetups, parties, and other gatherings specifically for people who enjoy weed. Of course, these meetups are often pretty relaxed and laid-back, so don’t be shy about approaching people and starting up a conversation.

Other events may not be cannabis-centered, but still attract a lot of people who enjoy weed. For example, concerts and music festivals are often full of cannabis lovers.

Many events can lead to some memorable stoner moments that you’ll recall forever, like the ones featured at High Profile.

2. Your Local Dispensary

It comes as no surprise that 420 lovers will frequent their local dispensary, so that makes it the perfect place to make some connections.

The staff and other customers can usually point you in the right direction for finding good smoking buddies, too.

420 friends tend to form cliques and know each others’ faces in the local area, particularly when they buy from the same place. So it’s likely that you’ll be able to find at least a few people to connect with this way. Even better, you’ll be able to share top tips on the best products available in the local area.

3. Connect Online

There are tons of forums, groups, and websites dedicated to cannabis culture. Joining one of these communities can help you connect with people who share your interests.

This is a ready source of online friends, but many of these groups also organize real-life meetups or are local groups. So you might be able to find some offline friends this way, too.

If nothing else, online communities like this can sign-post you to local connections, so these communities can offer a multi-pronged approach to finding 420 friends.

4. 420-Friendly Businesses

With cannabis growing more popular, many businesses have embraced it — even those that don’t directly sell products.

420-friendly businesses include the likes of head shops, smoking lounges, and certain types of restaurants or cafes, where 420-lovers can congregate and relax. And if it is a business that also sells products, you have everything you need to hand.

5. The Industry

There are many different ways to get involved with the cannabis industry directly, whether it’s growing, selling, or writing about it. Whatever route you choose, you’re sure to meet plenty of new people who share your love of cannabis.

This can be a great way to get insider knowledge and connect with some truly passionate people. It might even lead to a new career! Industry insiders often know each others’ names and faces, so there’s a community that can extend from the regional to the national level, and even beyond.

Find Stoner Friends Wherever You Go

With these simple tips, you can easily find stoner friends, no matter where you are. So don’t be shy—get out there and start meeting some great new friends and relax with a quality strain.

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