Why It Matters to Follow Your Own Timeline

As we mindlessly scroll our Instagram, Tiktok, and Twitter feeds, it can be easy to forget that life is not a competition. The truth is, there is no finish line or prize for the person who gets there first. The journey itself is just as important as the destination.

Whether you are looking to reach a goal, further your career, or achieve any other success in life, it is essential to take the time and enjoy each step of the journey. Taking time out to appreciate and savor your successes will give you a sense of accomplishment and self-fulfillment that doesn’t come with simply reaching deadlines.

Following Our Own Timeline in Life

It is also important to remember that everyone has their own timeline and journey. We should not compare our lives with those around us, as every person’s goals and successes are different. No two life paths are the same and nobody should feel they need to rush or compete with someone else’s progress.

This also means that you should take the time to do things at your own pace. Don’t feel pressure to rush through a task because it has been done faster by someone else or if everyone around you is doing something different. While it can be tempting to want to keep up with those around us, remember that your timeline is unique and should not be neglected.

Comparing Ourselves to Others

In the famous poem Desiderata by Max Ehrmann, he writes: “If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.” This is a reminder to appreciate each accomplishment along the way and not compare our journey to anyone else’s. Comparing ourselves to others can lead to feelings of envy, resentment, and insecurity. Instead, focus on yourself and take the time to enjoy every step of your journey.

It is also important to remember that sometimes taking your time can bring rewards that rushing through the journey never could. Enjoying the process of getting there and savoring every success will allow us to recognize our accomplishments and feel proud of them. This can be incredibly fulfilling in a way that rushing through life simply cannot achieve.

Learning to Slow Down

When we are constantly in a rush to complete tasks and reach goals, it can be hard to take the time to stop and enjoy the journey. Learning how to slow down will not only allow us to appreciate our triumphs more but also give us a chance to self-reflect and check in with ourselves.

For example, every writer experienced challenges and hardships during the writing,  self-publishing, and book printing process. There will be days when nothing seems to be going according to plan and the writing feels like a slog – but it is important to take a step back, recognize what you have achieved so far, and allow yourself time to relax and savor your accomplishments.

One specific example is the journey of JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series. She experienced plenty of setbacks and rejections along the way before finally becoming a published author. She was rejected by twelve publishers before Bloomsbury agreed to publish the novel. Her success story teaches us that taking our time is important and that it will eventually be worth it in the end.

Focusing on Our Own Journey

At the end of the day, we must focus on our own journey and appreciate every step of the way. One student may graduate at 24 but another may take longer – and that’s okay. Some may start to build their own family at 40, others at 50 – it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we take our time and recognize the value in every accomplishment along the way. This will lead to a sense of satisfaction, joy, contentment, and inner peace.

Looking after our mental and emotional health is also vital in taking the time to enjoy the journey. This means listening to ourselves, being kind to ourselves, and giving ourselves permission to slow down when needed. Taking time out for self-care will help us stay focused and motivated on our path toward success.

By learning how to embrace and savor our journey, we can become more mindful and aware of our experiences. This will allow us to appreciate the small things and recognize our successes, no matter how big or small they may be. Taking your time is key – it gives you a sense of peace, accomplishment, and satisfaction that rushing through life never could.


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