4 Ways To Support A Friend With A New Baby

When you first discover that your best friend is pregnant, you may be filled with a mix of emotions. While you’re overjoyed that they will be bringing a new bundle of joy into the world, it’s natural to feel worried about where it may leave you within the changing circumstances. However, you will have several months to adjust and aim to be the best support possible – but if you have never had kids before, it can be difficult to know how to help.

Take a look at some of the key ways you can be there for a friend who has recently had a baby.

Run errands

In the first few days and weeks after birth, your friend is likely to be exhausted, overwhelmed, and forced to adjust to a brand-new lifestyle. You can prove your support by offering to run errands to reduce additional stress, whether it be picking the kids up from school or helping her around the house. Small and simple acts of kindness will make all the difference to her day, and she will truly appreciate it.

Throw a baby shower

Your friend may have suggested that she would like to have a baby shower to celebrate the arrival of her infant, but now that she’s got bigger responsibilities on her plate, she may not have the time to plan one. Why not offer to be the baby shower planner? In this instance, ensure that you have spoken openly about the budget and the guest list, as well as the style of the event she has in mind. Additionally, you may wish to check out baby shower gift advice on the type of products that are extremely useful for any new mom, as well as using it as a form of inspiration when creating gift lists for guests.

Keep visits brief

While you may be eager to meet up regularly with your friend, remember that their daily schedule will have dramatically changed. They will now have a strict agenda concerning their baby’s sleeping and feeding times, as well as taking regular naps themselves to maintain their energy levels. Always be sure to make contact in advance to check whether the day and time are suitable for visiting, and keep your visits brief. While in attendance, you could even offer to take care of the baby for several hours so that their mom can have a well-earned break, should they wish to take a shower or simply enjoy some downtime to relax and recharge.

Offer helpful advice

All new moms are frequently bombarded with advice, whether it be from parenting books, internet sources, or friends and family. It can be challenging to know when to step in and offer your own opinions based on your own experiences. It is all about finding the balance between lending a helping hand and inundating her with information that triggers a sense of shame and guilt. Without a doubt, the best way to give her a boost is to tell her how well she is doing – especially when she may be having an challenging day.

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